Cell Phone Spy App to Combat Underage Smoking and Drinking – OgyMogy
Do you know 1 in 5 high school students use tobacco-related products? The trend of underage smoking and substance abuse is on the rise in various regions of the world. More than 3200 teenagers start smoking cigarettes every single day without knowing the consequences. A smoker does not just suffer from several health issues but loses his life earlier than non-smokers. According to the reports of the Food and Drug Administration FDA, smokers are likely to die 13 years earlier than non-smokers.
The situation is not dissimilar when we analyze the dangers of underage drinking habits. It is a serious health issue in the United States. The majority of teenagers commonly use Alcohol as the main substance of abuse, the consequences of which can be horrible irrespective of age and drinking status. Parents are required to protect their children from underage smoking and drinking and help them live a healthy life.
How Technology Helps Combat Underage Smoking and Drinking
Fortunately, there are a few tools that are particularly designed for parents to keep them aware of their kids’ activities. They let you know if your kid is involved in any misconduct or objectionable behavior such as smoking and substance abuse. While there are several child monitoring tools rightly available, OgyMogy is found to be the most reliable and efficient tools for remotely supervising the activities of teenagers.
It is a cross platform spy application that lets you keep tabs on the activities of your children performed in the real world and in the online world. This app is installed in the smartphone of your kid that must be running certain versions of Android or iOS operating systems. There is a simple process to subscribe to the spy app and install it on the targeted mobile phone. After installation, the spy app starts working and tracking every single activity of the target.
Monitor Teens’ Private Drugs Parties
The cell phone tracking app enables you to be virtually present around your children when you cannot be with them in actual. For instance, if your kids are in school, play area or somewhere away from home, you can take the support of a mobile phone monitoring app to detect where your kids are and what they are doing.
OgyMogy cell phone tracking app does not just let you track the GPS location of your children but it also enables you to monitor their surroundings. You can send a command to the targeted mobile phone to show you what is happening around. If your kids have headed toward a private teen party, you can see what they are doing. You can turn on the camera of their mobile phones and watch out the surrounding scenes. The spy app captures photos and makes videos of the surroundings to let you know where your kids are involved. If your teen is smoking or drinking, the spy app captures the moment and lets you know that your teen is a secret smoker or drinker.
Monitor Social Media of Children
The Android and iPhone monitoring app enables you to protect your children from underage smoking and drinking by revealing the secret of your teens’ smoking and drinking habit. It does not just show you what they do in their real life but also keeps you updated about their digital activities. You can find out if your teen son has uploaded his photos on Instagram to show off his smoking skills. You can detect if your teen is planning for some drugs party or another objectionable activity with his fellows on social media platforms.
The child monitoring application lets you spy on popular social media platforms to keep you updated about your kids’ online activities. You can track Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Skype, WhatsApp, Line, Viber, Vine, Tumblr, Tinder, Kik, and many other social and instant messengers to be aware of your kids’ cyber activities. It lets you track the conversations of your children so you can make sure there is not any element regarding smoking, drinking, and substance abuse.
The Bottom Line
OgyMogy lets you know if your teen is a secret smoker or drinker. The app provides enough information to help you protect your children from underage smoking, drinking, and other objectionable behaviors.