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Signs That You are Just a Rebound In Someone’s Life

Signs That You are Just a Rebound In Someone’s Life


Signs That You are Just a Rebound In Someone’s Life

Feeling like you might be a rebound for someone? Nothing temporarily numbs the sting of a breakup quite like a rebound relationship. Yes, they can occasionally be totally toxic, but under the right circumstances, they can actually be really beneficial. Hell, sometimes they can even grow into something amazing! This only works, however, when both […]

Reading Time: 2 Minutes

Feeling like you might be a rebound for someone? Nothing temporarily numbs the sting of a breakup quite like a rebound relationship. Yes, they can occasionally be totally toxic, but under the right circumstances, they can actually be really beneficial. Hell, sometimes they can even grow into something amazing! This only works, however, when both people in the rebound are on the same page about what the relationship is. In other words, there are few things more cruel than dragging an unwitting new partner into your emotional baggage while letting them believe your new relationship is the real deal.

But its necessary that your partner doesn’t see this a temporary arrangement.  Sometimes, though, someone won’t even admit to themselves that they’re rebounding, much less the person they’re seeing. Here, a few clues that you’re a rebound to your fresh-out-of-a-relationship partner.

totally in love

  1. They’re totally in love with you for no real reason.

Not that you’re not amazing and lovable or anything, but they barely know you well enough to even know that yet. Are they calling you The One even though you just met, like, ten seconds ago? In quiet moments, between basking in the adoration, do you feel sort of like a blank canvas they’re projecting their feelings onto?

  1. The relationship moves really fast and really slow at the same time.

On the surface, your relationship is growing at warp speed. Within a few weeks, they’re declaring their love for you, you’re all but living together, and nearly every waking moment is spent in each other’s company. Weirdly, though, you feel like you’ve barely gotten to know them in between all those grandiose declarations and epic sex sessions, and there’s a strange lack of actual commitment compared to how much time they spend with you.

Signs That You are Just a Rebound In Someone s Life

  1. Your connection either feels abnormally fulfilling or totally empty.

Is this person conveniently everything you’ve ever wanted in a partner and so emotionally available so quickly that they seem to have literally nothing else going on in their lives? Does that make you wonder sometimes if it’s all too good to be true? That, friends, is the danger zone, second only to a coupling that leaves you feeling lonely and empty when you’re together.

  1. You sense a lingering bitterness over their ex.

Maybe they insist they’re over their last relationship, but now and then they lash out, seemingly out of nowhere, about what a monster their former lover is.

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