EMBRACE | HASSRAT | Harjinder Johal | Navneet Jaura | Creative Crew | Latest Punjabi Songs 2021
Fresh talent and Newcomers are always welcomed in the Punjabi music industry. People are not only talented but they are yet amazingly hardworking. Today, we will talk about another person who has made everyone speechless with his recently released song ‘Embrace’. This new track is beautiful as its title and truly justifies the meaning of it in the video. Punjabi songs are always made in a way that directly connects with the hearts but this time ‘Embrace’ has just left the audience with tears and meaningful thoughts.
The dictionary meaning of Embrace is to put your arms around somebody as a sign of love, happiness. In the video, the reality of life is portrayed and Hassrat has sung it pretty well. Lyrics are penned down by Harjinder Johal which is the main attraction of the song. It is written and presented nicely. Music is also soothing which is given by Hassrat and Navneet Jaura. Overall, this track is delivered in a manner which is leaving the audience with a big question!!! Our society has plenty of problems and some of them are highlighted in the song but with a meaningful message and a solution.
Punjabi Music Industry is vast and we are blessed to have such commendable talented artists with is who always keep on entertaining us with new projects. Embrace song is being loved by the listeners if you haven’t heard it. Do listen to it once and undoubtedly it will be on your hit list and on repeat. Creative Crew has directed the video of this song. Embrace is a superb one, don’t miss it!